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Post-Partum Depression is real!
New place with new responsibilities, and Old PTSD with old Anxiety, No Sleep, No Time, SNAP! Post-Partum Depression is Hard! It can creep in slowly or it can barge in like some bizarro Kool-Aid man screaming “Oh-No!” It can grab hold of you and lock you into the darkest place your brain can imagine with seemingly no hope for release.

Why is weight loss so hard as we age?
Have you been dieting and working out, but just not getting the results that you used to achieve when you were younger? Normal age-related changes to your body may be sabotaging your efforts. As we get older, our bodies no longer respond the same to weight loss efforts as they once did. Recent studies have found however that the reason for age-related obesity is not as simple as once believed. Previously it was assumed that our body's metabolism simply began to slow down in our thirties causing weight gain as we age. However, more recent studies have found that our metabolism actually stays fairly steady through the age of 60 before it finally begins to slow down. So then why is it so hard to lose or maintain our weight as we age?

What causes hair loss? and ways to reverse it!
Hair loss can be one of the most frustrating side effects of the aging process. So much of what our society deems as young, healthy, and vibrant centers around the condition of our skin and hair. It is important however to remember that you are not alone and have many options available to treat the condition regardless of your age, race, or gender. The earlier we begin treating your hair loss conditions, the faster and fuller we can help you to regrow and thicken the lost volume and thickness! Call, email, or visit us today for your free, confidential consultation and stop stressing about the hairs accumulating in your shower drain!

Hyperpigmentation Explained
Hyperpigmentation alone is not a serious condition and can be successfully treated. It does however affect overall appearance and self-confidence so it is very important to know the available treatment options.

Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau…
With so many different neurotoxin brands out there, it’s very easy to feel perplexed and overwhelmed about which one is right for you 💉